Join Joe (in here) and Wayne (out there) as they discuss the Ubuntu Touch destination, types of people, and ways of the future...
It's not IoT; it's ToI: Things on Internet. "Toys"
Quote 1: "Convergence is a goal, but it's not a destination."
Joe made a secret roadmap that no one can see.
Root of the word destination
Quote 2: "Convergence is a destination, but it's not the destination."
Labels of Ubuntu People: Ubuntu Frozen, Ubuntu Cold, Ubuntu Thawed, Ubuntu Smokin'(aka Ubuntu Pushers)
Ubuntu Touch marketing requires a high level of education component
Nothing to Hide documentary (English Subtitles)
/ French Subtitles -
What do Guinea Pigs and android/ios users have in common?
Is the next cool thing Matrix?
Will Ubuntu Touch run your next... barbecue?
The Drop (2016 Canonical )
The Catch up (from the Drop until the Start)
The Start (OTA4 16.04 release - right now)
Quote 3: "Always be thawing"
The Audiocast Nested Bunny Trails CODE:
#include <destination.h> int main() { printf("TOIs: Things on Internet"); BoogieBoardBunnyTrail() { printf("It is like an etch-a-sketch but digital"); FruitPhoneBunnyTrail() { printf("Telecom causes friend's phone to reboot without consent."); } UbuntuFriendlyPeople() { switch(ubuntu) { case 'f': printf("Ubuntu Frozen: Doesn't even know what it is."); break; case 'c': printf("Ubuntu Cold: Has heard about it as a type of Linux."); break; case 't': printf("Ubuntu Thawed: Knows Ubuntu and uses it."); break; case 's': printf("Ubuntu Smokin': The Ubuntu pushers."); break; } printf("BoogiePorts: Yumi sticker is good branding."); DinnerTableBunnyTrail() { printf("Kids don't like Google listening to them."); WifeUnboxing() { int Gmail = PersonalEmail + PGP; int KakaoTalk = Anbox(KakaoTalk); int GoogleMaps = uNav; } prinf("Chat apps are key to OS success."); MoviePlug() { int YouTube = PeerTube; PeerTube("Nothing to Hide"); } printf("People are starting to develop technological cultures."); char *forbearance = "Deal with somebody who is hard to deal with, and show them grace."; printf("People like to stay in jail because it's familiar."); if ( Matrix == NextCoolThing ) { int chat = Matrix; } else { int chat = TacoTalk; } } } int BoogieBoard = BodyBoard; } printf("Are TOIs making us less social?"); printf("We need to make Ubuntu Touch and option for TOI interfaces."); int erface = UbuntuTouch; return 0; }
Action Items:
- Watch Nothing to Hide documentary (English Subtitles), and share it with someone.
- Discuss this Audiocast in the UBports forum now with this direct link
- If you can read the code above and see why it fails, then chances are that you are a developer, and we want you to get in touch with us! wayne[at] or joe[at]
- Where else can you "thaw" out your life?