Format test and call for help

Dear Ubees,

This is a non-standard message with two things to tell:

  1. This is a proposed new template for the news letter. Tell us what you think!

  2. And I need your help with something. More on that after the break.

This is a test email with the new news letter design. What do you think? I made a small poll where you can do a thumbs up or thumbs down. Just click the link and vote with your gut feeling:

A small poll on

Your Picture

I need your help!

I need the help of the UBports community. Will you please help me? This is something everybody in the community can do. 

I need to create a list of news contacts. People I can send a press release to.

I will import this into our Odoo instance so we can send them press messages when we've got something to tell.

This is what I would very much like you to do:

  1. Make a small list of IT magazines in your country. So, Linux and open source magazines, but also general IT magazines that you know. Or business magazines that do tech news.

  2. Make a small list of the biggest news papers in your country. If you want to add your favourite, go right ahead.

  3. search on their website for the email address of their 'news desk'. (Let's say the IO channel of the journalists that work there.)

  4. Send to me (jeroen at ubports dot com) this list like: "organisation or magazine name:", "if they mention first-name+last-name on their website","email address"

  5. Any format will do. odt, csv, txt, I don't care, as long as I get the data!

  6. Oh, and I need this as soon as possible but not too soon. Just, well, don't forget to do it, so do it now 😊

Many, many, many thanks.


Jeroen Baten
(Operational marketing manager jada jada of the UBports Foundation)

Thank you for joining us!


The revived UBports news letter, fourth edition