| Hello community!Welcome to the UBports Foundation email newsletter, July 9th, 2021 |
From your editorI want to start by thanking all of you who took the time to write me an email last time to tell me what people say in your country when they are very seriously promising something? I got a ton of response in numerous emails, from the American "cross my heart and hope to die" to emphasise promise and "scouts honour", to the Finish "aikuisten oikeesti" which, if I understand correctly, translates roughly to "behave like an adult". Or the German "Versprochen ist versprochen und wird auch nicht gebrochen." which I would translate to "a promise is a promise and will not be broken". So, thanks all for writing me about this. I found it fascinating!
Last time I told you there was something brewing. All I could think of to write at that time was "Teaser, teaser!". But today it's time to reveal what it's all about. Don't get me wrong, the news letter is packed with information about our project, but today, marks the start of a very exciting period. And, since in one part of the world it's the period of summer holidays, if you get bored I've just the thing for you to do! :-)
Actually there are two very important projects going to start and you can be part of both of them!
The first project is all about the fact that the UBports Foundation is a democratic organization. And, after the last 2 years of getting it all started and on its feet, its time for active members of the community to elect a new Board of Directors, or BoD for short.
The current BoD consists of the following people: Marius Gripsgard, the guy who started the UBports project Jan Sprinz, of the UBports-installer fame. Ricardo Mendoza, all-round phone and marketing expert Ewald Pierre, the financial wizz in the BoD Florian Leeber, the person trying to manage a can of worms, err... a group of developers. :-)
These are the guys who have been trying to organize just about everything for the last 2 years. And now it's time for a new set of leaders. And, that could be you! If you've been an active member of the community for the past 3 month (submitting pr's, or answering support questions, or doing marketing, or, well done anything) and old enough you qualify to become member of the Board of Trustees, or BoT for short. Members of the BoT can nominate themselves for the election to the BoD and voting is done by the members of the BoT. Pretty simple, right? And we need new people in the BoD so please sign up and become a member of the BoD. Now elections are an integral part of any foundation and ours is no different. The process is a formal one and an article how to proceed will be published soon.
Although it's a voluntary job, it's not without obligation. The time you will need to spend on this is relatively low. Of course it depends on how active you want to be, but at a very minimum it will take up 1 or 2 hours per week. Some weeks more, some weeks less. Help steer the course of the UBports Foundation. We need you!
I hope all is well on your end.
Warm greetings and stay safe! Jeroen Baten |
Teaser, teaser, teaser, the finale
The other thing, and this is what last weeks teaser was all bout, is that we are ramping up our effort to get Ubuntu Touch running on 20.04. But this is not a small task! Luckily Dalton has created an epic on GitLab that shows what needs to be done: https://gitlab.com/groups/ubports/-/epics/10 This project is very, very, very important so if your fingers are itching to help, code, script and/or test, head over to https://gitlab.com/groups/ubports/-/epics/10 and start working on something. And the best news? There is now a PDK! "A what?", you might ask? A PDK! A Platform Development Kit! Hacker Alfred has worked hard on a very, very nice toolkit. So many kudos to him! It is now super easy to get the latest 20.04 development image running in an virtual machine on your own system. Just follow the instructions on https://github.com/ubports/ubports-pdk and you'll be up and running and hacking in no time! This repo and the downloaded image come on my system to some 4Gb but I also heard somebody say it should be 15Gb so I guess I know now why mine was a black screen. Anyway, we are in the forefront of developments here so your mileage may vary and stuff will get fixed. Help us out and let's get the migration from 16.04 to 20.04 out the door!
| News, hot from the pressVolla, one of our beloved sponsored phone manufacturers has a new model in the works. The "Volla Phone X" is already available for pre-order https://volla.online/de/shop/index.php?product/page/3223/Volla+Phone+X for those who can read German. But any online translator can help you out. It is a rugged version of their first model so the same specs but very sturdy and with a very large battery capacity!
For everyone else there's still the original Indigogo page with their original Volla phone campaign https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/volla-phone-free-your-mind-protect-your-privacy#/ Make some noise! We hit 5K on YouTube! Screenshot tells all. This is (again) awesome!

Anbox progressThe UT Crowd Funded Anbox project https://forums.ubports.com/topic/5907/open-ubuntu-touch-to-all-android-applications/81 is ready for testing if you are feeling brave. Full details from the Telegram/TELEports group https://t.me/anbox_halium and on https://github.com/Anbox-halium/anbox-halium. Go ahead and give it a spin and help the devs crank the last bugs out. Because this is a realy must have app in the market these days.
Brandbook progressThe multi-layered Scribus document containing our brandbook is inbeta. We're almost there! When the conversion is finished, the PDF of the brandbook, and all source files will be stored in their own GitLab repository for community members to use. Soon I will tell you more about that. In our communityMastodon
There was a small but important change in our social media channels. We switched our main Mastodon channel from the relatively unknown https://framapiaf.org/@ubports to a more mainstream https://mastodon.social/@ubports. So, catch us in the fediverse! HackerHotel 2022The UBports Foundation is sponsoring the Dutch HackerHotel 2022 event! There are no more tickets available I'm sorry to say, but there will be a workshop and hackathon on UT development. So, if you like to visit and think you have the skills to teach people how to hack on UT or like to assist during the day, drop me an email at jeroen@ubports.com. I will make sure you get a free lunch as well as a visit to an awesome hacker-event. In the spotlightOkay, I will grant you this, it's not an app, but the recently developed Platform Development Kit is IMHO pretty awesome! It is very easy to install (if you've got 15G of free disc space) and when done you can start hacking away on the 20.04 porting project.
And after installing, head over to https://gitlab.com/groups/ubports/-/epics/10 and pick an issue to hack on, any issue, I dare you! :-)
Help needed!If you have some spare time, we can use some help in the following domains: Ubuntu Touch OTA-18 is slated for release on Wednesday, July 14. Please help us with testing this OTA to make sure it's ready to go. See https://ubports.com/blog/1/post/3762 for instructions on how to test and give us feedback. If you're a Windows user and you want to have the new Platform Development Kit (https://github.com/ubports/ubports-pdk) for Ubuntu Touch working on your operating system, please contact @fredldotme on Telegram as he can use your assistance.
Ubuntu Touch in the mediaErnie Smith wrote an article for VICE about the PinePhone and its place in the broader ecosystem of Linux-based smartphones. Ubuntu Touch was also featured in the article.
Here's what the article says about Ubuntu Touch on the PinePhone:
"Ubuntu Touch is a bit of a revelation. Its interface clearly took some of the right lessons from its competitors, and likely inspired them. It is a very gesture-driven interface, and it was years before iOS and Android could say the same. And despite the older hardware, Ubuntu Touch feels fast, which can be tough to do on hardware of a certain vintage."
Ernie Smith also believes Ubuntu Touch has a bright future:
"[W]ith the right level of community support, one could see at least one of the mobile operating systems on this device experiencing a breakthrough of success in the coming years. (Ubuntu Touch has the inside line, in my eyes.)"
Read the full article here, with a review of the PinePhone hardware and the broader ecosystem of Linux phones that we're part of: https://www.vice.com/en/article/v7e77y/the-dollar149-smartphone-that-could-bring-the-linux-mobile-ecosystem-to-life
| Ubuntu Touch Q&A 103Dalton and Alfred were the hosts of the Ubuntu Touch Q&A 103 session. Let's talk about two of the topics discussed: the Platform Development Kit and some interesting updates in OpenStore.
Alfred talked about his work on the Platform Development Kit (PDK), a new environment that assists with the development of Ubuntu Touch. It allows you to run and test packages on your own computer, in a virtual environment. So even if you don't have a Ubuntu Touch device now, you can still develop. You can also use the PDK to work on the migration to the Ubuntu 20.04 base, even before there's a 20.04 image for a Ubuntu Touch device. For now the Platform Development Kit works on Linux and macOS, and Alfred can use some assistance to get it working on Windows.
The app store OpenStore has gained a couple of small but interesting new features. The OpenStore web site now shows a version history for apps, and you can download older versions. And under the hood, the app store is now ready to support apps which run on the 20.04 build. So when there's an Ubuntu Touch release with the Ubuntu 20.04 base, OpenStore will be prepared.
You can watch the whole session or read our notes here: https://ubports.com/blog/ubports-news-1/post/ubuntu-touch-q-a-103-3763
Yet another random article
Maybe you've heard of the LPI before, but then again, maybe not. The Linux Professional Institute, or LPI for short, develops distribution-independent Linux knowledge certification. They have several exams, from relatively easy (LPI Essentials) to basic system administration skills(LPIC-1) to level 2 and near inhuman skill level certificates like LPIC-3. They are now doing a survey on whether or not to develop a certification for general knowledge of open source. This may sound like a no-brainer to you, but if this takes of amongst project managers and the like it can mean a significant boost for open source adoption in general. And we as an open source community reap the benefits from that as well. So please help the LPI to develop an exam for general open source skills by answering a few questions: https://surveys.lpi.org/index.php/197729
| And... it's a wrap! Stay tuned for our next episode in two weeks. If you want to let me know what you think, write me an email (jeroen@ubports.com) |
Thank you for joining us! |