16.04 Showcase Aftermath
A Taste of Things to Come

A Community of Artists

This Summer we held our Ubuntu Touch Cultural Showcase, where we asked community members to submit their images, notification tones, ringtones, and songs to be presented to the community. You've submitted your works, and now it's time for us to share them with you!


Gallery link: Wallpapers

This was our most successful category with 75 images submitted!

We have a large variety of images. Here is a selection of some of our favorites:

Bridge by Sander Klootwijk (CC-BY)
Picture 1B by freespace (CC-BY)
Background ... Remix by Merlin2525 (CC0)

Notification Tones

Gallery link: Notification Tones (see spreadsheet)

We have a tight selection of notification tones, from "boing"s and "click"s to ambient noises. Check out a few here:


Gallery link: Ringtones (see spreadsheet)

Our second-most successful category! We have a wide range of ringtones to choose from including:

Songs and Videos

Gallery Links: Songs | Videos (see spreadsheet)
We received some creative submissions in these categories. We decided that we won't be able to include these formats as part of the OS, but feel free to view them on your device, and keep being creative!


All of the submissions are licensed at least as permissive as Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike. Details of each submission's license can be found in the spreadsheet in its gallery folder.

What's next?

Selected submissions will be featured in the official 16.04 Release, OTA-5. Until then, let's continue making Ubuntu Touch.

We loved getting your submissions for this showcase. Each new message represented time that you spent to make Ubuntu Touch better.  For this we sincerely thank you as you proved what we already suspected: UBports is the most exciting (and creative) community in the free software realm. If you missed the submission window, don't worry! We'd love to see your ringtones or notification tones in the General or Off Topic section of our Forum!

If you're not so artistically talented (don't worry, this writer can relate), we'd love to help you find your place in the UBports community. Contact us on our Forum, our Telegram group, or e-mail us at to let us know what you like to do and we can find something to suit you.

Ubuntu Touch Q&A 34
Cool, Cool OTA-4