Your Biweekly UBports email news is here!

From your editor

Hi people, Here is another edition of the bi-weekly UBports news letter. This time with some short and also big announcements.

Do you remember last time I write this: "I did receive a few unsubscribe requests per email. Not to give everybody ideas here, but there should be an unsubscribe link at the bottom of this news letter."

Well, it turned out there wasone, just with the text in the same color as the background. So, that should be fixed now. Again, please do not unsubscribe.

Speaking of which, do you know we are getting very close to 3000, yes, THREE THOUSAND! subscribers?

This week was kinda weird for me. Not to share my really personal stuff with you all, but it reminded me that often we do not realize that behind every person we meet is a complete story. Some will share it, some won' t. But the story is still there nonetheless.

Anyway, sit back, grab hold of your favorite beverage and enjoy another episode of the UBports Newsletter (while I write this edition this time without any music.)

In our community

Florian (@flohack) didn' t take long after stepping down from his position as a member of the board of directors to initiate a possibly awesome new project.

As these things go these days, it started with a tweet. Want to know more about maybe getting the Thunderbird email application on our beloved platform?

Well, here goes:
Well done  Flo! You rock!

Your Banner Image

Apps in the spotlight

Here are some Ubuntu Touch apps to try out:

  • uDos ( by Marcel Alexandru Nitan lets you run DOS programs in Ubuntu Touch. It's mainly designed to play popular DOS games.

  • Diablo Web ( is a webapp by Marcel Alexandru Nitan bringing a web port of the original Diablo game to Ubuntu Touch. It requires an active internet connection and a device with OpenGL support. To play the full game you need to buy the original game.

You can find these apps on the OpenStore ( 

Please remember that OpenStore has a built-in option to donate to app creators. We urge you to use that button, so that we'll get more great apps on Ubuntu Touch.

Help needed

If you have some spare time, we could use some help in the following domains:   

  • Lionel Duboeuf has been working on an alternative PIN code prompt integration in the System Settings app, and he'd like some feedback on the user interface. Have a look at on the forum.

Aaand.... It's a wrap! See you at the next edition and remember, keep on hacking!

Jeroen Baten

UBports Training Update 4 aka 0100: How to import Python libraries in your Clickable app