Why Ubuntu Touch is sustainable: OnePlus1 ported Halium 9+ and runs Ubuntu Touch 20.04
Thanks to Muhammad, who ported Halium 9+ to the OnePlus1 phone which now runs Ubuntu Touch 20.04.
The OnePlus1 is an old phone (April 2014) but very popular, reliable, and generally runs well.
Work is close now for OPO 20.04 to be in the installer. Latest updates include Bluetooth working, double tap to wake, potential WayDroid and updated to AppArmor 3.0-rc in kernel 3.4 a bug remains to be fixed then the OPO 20.04 port will be working from UBports Installer.
This is super good news for many people who own this device!
UBports InstallerNew UBports Installer is also available with 20.04 channels fully available and no longer hidden
Free dozens of Gigabytes with Clickable 7.12
Clickable now has an image clean-up command. This can free dozens of Gigabytes on a developer machine.
It requires at least Clickable 7.12.
Run the following commands:
To untag outdated images: clickable clean-images
To free the space: docker system prune