Clickable 7 Call for Testing

We would like to ask app developers to test the Clickable 7 Beta on their apps before we release it for everyone. Clickable 7 comes with a bunch of new features that we are very excited about.

We would like to hear which one is your favorite! Is it the bash completion? The overhauled command line parameters? The global config file? The support for the yaml format? The `ci` command to test your CI config locally? Please tell us!

Clickable 7 also comes with changes and might introduce regressions. We would like to hear about any struggles and problems so that we can optimize this major update before releasing it.

Install instructions

First uninstall the currently installed Clickable version (either via pip3 or apt depending on how you have installed it). Then install the Clickable 7 Beta:

pip3 install --user git+

If you don't have `~/.local/bin` in your `PATH`, you can permanently add it by appending your `.bashrc`:

echo 'export PATH="$PATH:~/.local/bin"' >> ~/.bashrc

New apps templates

If you want to test Clickable 7 with one of the app templates provided by Clickable, you will find that some of them don't yet work with Clickable 7. We have prepared changes to those templates of course. In order to get the new Templates, run the following command (instead of `clickable create`):

cookiecutter --checkout dev

Project Migration

Read through the Migration Guide and try out the Clickable 7 Migration Tool.

To install the migration tool, make sure you have the Rust tool chain installed. Then, install the migration tool by running:

cargo install clickable-migration

Report Issues

If you encounter any problems that the Migration Guide and Migration Tool couldn't help you with, please check whether there is already an issue and open one if you can't find any. Please mention that you are using the Clickable 7 Beta version.


You can find the Clickable 7 documentation at (mind the `dev` which distinguishes the docs from the `stable` or `latest` docs which both refer to Clickable 6).

Thank You!

A huge thank you to all the developers involved in creating this latest release of Clickable. And also a huge thank you to everyone testing out version 7 beta!

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