From your editorAnd here we are again with a new edition of the news letter. I think we are turning out to be a really regular thing these days. Like bowel movements regular I could say. Anyway, this time we have again some fine UT news for you all. A review on the youtubes, something about the recent OTA-17 and an interview with none other than Alfred E. Neumayer! And, as always, we like to keep things short and sweet. Do I have any personal pearls of wissdom to share this week? Well, actually, nope, nothing comes to mind. Sorry. Maybe next time? Greetings to you all, and don't forget, keep on hackin'! Warm greetings, Jeroen Baten News, hot from the pressWell, there is a review of Ubuntu Touch on the PinePhone! You can watch it on YouTube through this link:
Help neededHi, it's me again! Your nagging editor who will start talking about his efforts to create an email list of journalists and news desks to send press releases to needs your help. Sofar, the response of those who took a few minutes to help me out is simply amazing. I now have 9 countrues of the 195 countries in the world! \o/ So, I guess when I keep reminding people that it will be done in twentyonehundredsomething. Anyway, if you can spare just one minute, simply send me an email at with one url of one IT magazine in your country. Can you do that for me? Please? Pretty please?