Show your love for UBports/UT/Yumi/Lomiri.
Surely there are more ways to show our love for UBports/UT/Yumi/Lomiri, such as adding a new and improved version to this text.
I (still) need a little help!
Thanks so much! Many of you nice people have responded to my recent feedback request about the concepts for an upcoming campaign.
If you have not voted yet, please have a look and give us your vote.
Below you will see 4 marketing concepts. Please look at them and vote for the one you feel best about. You can send in your vote here!
Concept 1

In this concept we work with a main character. Preferably, it uses a telephone. His or her expression clarifies the message that is conveyed by means of text bars.
01. 'Imagine a phone that...' the main character thinks.
02. 'Helps you share what you want,' the main character looks as if he can't believe it.
03. 'But doesn't overdo it.' the main character goes crazy! Wow, this is what I'm looking for!
04. The phone appears with the name UBPort Foundation.
05. The orange area from shot 04 moves up and in the middle the sentences pass by one by one:
- Our community of volunteers and companies
- has been building the phone of your imagination
- Now, we need your help...
Concept 2

Each of these expressions shows a sentence. The image can be used seperately, but also as a total in a video animation. The photo in each image changes with a fade to an image that relates to the quote. At the end is a CTA with a join us message: we need your help. The shapes in the pictures also move subtly like a dynamic shape.
Concept 3

In this concept we work with different “metaphor” images. Preferably, with a telephone. His or her expression clarifies the message conveyed by means of text bars.
01. 'Imagine a phone that...' we see a phone in the picture and "zip zoom" on the screen.
02. 'Helps you share what you want,' we see the zoomed-in image that represents an experience that you want to share (e.g. via socials) but also literally sharing the picture image.
03. 'But doesn't overdo it.' we see an image of a situation that you would rather not share with the world. This picture also radiates overdo.
04. The phone appears with the name UBPort Foundation.
05. The orange area from shot 04 moves up and in the middle and sentences pass by one by one:
- Our community of volunteers and companies
- has been building the phone of your imagination
- Now, we need your help...
Concept 4

In this concept we work with different “funny” images. Think of images that are taken way out of context. A telephone but an old one and the 'overdo' depicted by a person entangled in telephones and cables. Images are connected through use of color, so that it does feel like an expression.
01. 'Imagine a phone that...' we see an old-fashioned telephone in the picture, the use of color gives it a modern look.
02. 'Helps you share what you want,' we see a group of people "sharing" via their beloved phone.
03. 'But doesn't overdo it.' we see an image of a situation that literally radiates 'overdo'. Too many phones, wanting to share too much.
04. The phone appears with the name UBPort Foundation.
05. The orange area from shot 04 moves up and in the middle the sentences pass by one by one:
- Our community of volunteers and companies
- has been building the phone of your imagination
- Now, we need your help...
<End of concepts>, </concepts>, end of concepts. Well I guess you get it by now. Please vote! You can send in your vote here!