UBports Newsletter Nov 27th


Dear Community,

Welcome to your UBports Newsletter. We will revisit the Ubuntu Summit in Riga with a personal report from Danfro and also cover the  OpenAlt get-together in Brno, Czech Republic. UBports will also be at FOSDEM  with Mobile on Linux next year which we are very pleased about. More details of which as we get closer

As mentioned last time the best way to think of us is Ubuntu Touch by UBports.

OpenAlt conference
Brno 11 and 12 November.

"An open approach to an open society."
OpenAlt is the largest event of it's kind in the Czech Republic and over 500 visitors where expected.
OpenAlt  covers open data in public administration and private sector (Open Data) and open access to scientific information (Open Access). OpenAlt also focuses on participatory and free culture, especially online collaboration, learning communities and, in this context, alternative education. Makers will also find a place for themselves in the new DIY world.
Michal Kohutek from Ubuntu, and Jozef Mlich developer of the Amazfish app where at Brno for UBports. Another well attended opensource event with Ubuntu Touch and UBports again attracing a lot of attention.
Thanks to both Michal and Jozef for getting the Ubuntu Touch by UBports message out there




Touch IDE Update

Touch IDE

Touch IDE

A mobile development environment to create apps and scripts right on your phone.

Daniel Schlieckmann

We are pleased to say Daniels app is now in the OpenStore for you to create your apps with a native Ubuntu Touch look and feel.

The documentation is also now available.


Why not use a space like this in the newsletter to tell your fellow Community members all about your Ubuntu Touch and UBports experience. Just send an article for the newsletter to

UBports at the Ubuntu Summit 2023 in Riga.

This years Ubuntu Summit took place in Riga from 4th to 6th of November 2023. This years summit was a good summit! Why? Because the UBports team had a stand there fully equipped, showing off lots of cool devices and Alfred was even giving a talk (yeah!). This was also a great chance for all of us to meet some people "live" that we only knew from chats or news posts. Or did you meet Mark Shuttleworth in person before ;-)?

Yumi was proudly watching the stand, joined by Alfred, Danfro, Diogo, Jami, Jeroen, Kiek, Moem, Raoul and Ricardo. Moem carried plenty of merch to Riga (heavy lifting involved). She also equipped us with our "work clothing". Our shirts did certainly stick out of the crowd, watch out for some Yumi's on purple!
We had an impressive display of devices set up, ranging from a good old BQ E4.5, via OP5, OP5T, PinePhone, Xperia X, PineTab1 up to VollaPhone 22, VollaPhone X23, Fairphone 4. 

We got some great convergence displays up and running:
    - a fairphone 4 connected to a thinkpad usb-c docking station equipped with a monitor, mouse and keyboard
    - a device connected to a monitor via miracast wifi
    - a miracast wired connection to a monitor
    - a Xperia X connected to a mouse + keyboard combo via usb-otg with a Logitech nano receiver
And to finish it of, we had a pebble smartwatch connected via Rockwork App, to prove that running Ubuntu Touch does not mean you have to miss out on your beloved smartwatch.

We definitly managed to impress people. I remember one Canonical employee herding a few collegues to our stand, explaining to them that after today he needs to spend 1k dollars for the fairphone 4 + dock setup. We also made very clear that Ubuntu Touch does live on and is usable in everyday life ("Yes, of course we can make calls with Ubuntu Touch.", "Yes we do use those phones as daily driver, no other smartphone needed"). I believe it was a good feeling to some Canonical staff that had been working on Ubuntu Touch some years ago to see their work was not futile, but a starting point of something lasting for many years now.

One of the highlights on our stand was certainly Mark Shuttleworth exploring our devices with Alfred happily answering all his questions. If you don't know Mark yourself, a pro tip: if everyone is wearing a badge with their name on it, the one single person without a badge, well that person doesn't need a badge... ;-)

During the whole event some photographers went around taking photos and movie clips. Our stand was often in their focus. Alfred also got the opportunity to do a special video recording and show our devices. 

Talking about talks...
One of the opening talks was full of movie characters, Randy Packer talking about Dreamworks MoonRay technology. Good to learn, that all Dreamwork animations are done 100% on linux machines. As a bonus, everyone attending that talk, got to watch the short clip "Bilby". Very well done I must admit!
Alfred was giving a talk about snaps on Friday which attracted attention, there where a couple of chats coming back to that topic during the days that followed.
AI is everywhere, so of course there where talks about it in Riga . And guess who joined there? Microsoft! Yes, they participated in this years Ubuntu summit.

Luca from Fairphone was also hanging around with us much of the time. Always open for a friendly chat or a game at the kicker table, he also gave a talk about sustainable phones

That fitted well with a talk from Framework computers 
and another one about sustainable coding .

In the evenings it was nice to retire to one of Rigas restaurants. After talking to people all day long at the top of our voices (approx. 450 people do make some noise), we definitely needed to let some drinks flow. The great Sunday evening closing party was a nice finishing event. Canonical had booked us in the Digital Art House gallery just around the corner. With plenty of food and drink there was time for some last chats. The whole gallery was equipped with screens and displays of all the Ubuntu releases mascots artwork. So great to see them all!

If you think the show was over then, well yes you are right. It did stop here at Riga for us. But Michal, from the Slovak community, asked for some stickers and other merch for his stand in Brno for acommunity meetup a week later. So Yumi was present there as well. Thanks Michal.


Couple of extra blog links that give us a mention:



Apps and more

Untis - Timetable

See your WebUntis timetable in a native app.


UCC CalClock

Universal Celestial Calendar App

Prajna Pranab



calculate the runtime to a defined date



Supporting Ubuntu Touch and UBports


There are many ways you can help and support UT and UBports. 

One of these is in the UBports Shop where you can buy yourself or someone else a Ubuntu Touch, UBports shaped gift.

Another is by making a donation. One at a time or on a more regular basis. No matter how large or small, please remember they are very much appreciated and that you are helping directly the development of UT!

You can also donate something else which is as equally valued by us, your time and enthusiasm. If you would like to get involved please do. If you are not already on the Forum it is a great place to start. There are many other ways you can help your fellow UBports Community members so please join in and lets us know how you want to help at

Our Sponsors

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Ubuntu Touch Q&A 127
At the Ubuntu summit in Latvia, running Convergence, Snaps integration