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      Join Wayne (out there) and Joe (in here) as they discuss new and favorite apps, origins of names and inspiration, and more...


                                • Wayne's Karingding becomes an OTA thing from the 16.04 Showcase
                                • Historical UBports Fact: Yumi the UBports Robot was named in the Ubuntu Touch Audiocast at beginning of the 3rd episode Camel and a Boombox

                                What's App-ening

                                Core Apps

                                • The exciting history of the current Morph Browser and how it's pinchable.
                                • Joe references Brian Douglass' famous Clickable which helps devs make stuff for Ubuntu Touch
                                • We're looking for a new video on convergence - make it. Share with us. Joe lost his...We'll promise to have a convergence-focused audiocast if you do it..
                                • Boots and Stats at the Open Store

                                Non-Core Apps

                                • Wayne raves about the Ubuntu Touch Linphone App based on the popular Linphone You can get started calling each other for free right away.
                                • Want to start developing? Don't know anything? Join our Bootcamp on Matrix
                                • Wayne inspired by Serval Mesh to start learning programming
                                • Fluffy Chat , the flashiest Matrix client for Ubuntu Touch, gets the rave reviews of both Wayne and Joe. Get a Matrix account when you start up your favorite app you should get options, or go here to UBports' own Matrix Server to get your own account
                                • Developers should be as diplomatic as possible and use smilies when insulting average users of their apps
                                • Developers should think of what would happen when someone 'verb-izes' their app. Go ahead, Fluff us.
                                • Wayne likes the 'Rand-app' Big Moving Text for it's awesome simplicity and fun-ness
                                • Joe made a Rand-app called nCounter if you just want to know the distance between his cycles. Joe gives another shout out to the awesome UBports community for all their help while he was learning.
                                • Wayne talks about 'a level app' and didn't forgot there was a level app in Ubuntu Touch. High fives to UBports folks who forked it.
                                • Watch the 2 minute Douglas Rushkoff video Program or be programmed
                                • Another fun simple app to customize your Ubuntu Touch welcome screen is Circle Message
                                • Listen to the Ubuntu Touch Audiocast with the famous Podbird

                                Action Items

                                • Go to the Open Store and try out a new app. Check out categories and try searching terms you're interested in.
                                • Send us a convergence video.
                                • Start learning a programming language. Python, C++ and QML are three big ones for Ubuntu Touch development.
                                • Discuss this Ubuntu Touch Audiocast episode in the Forum right now (before you forget or your passion fades)

                                We would love to hear from you: wayne[at] , joe[at]

                                Ubuntu Touch Q&A 38
                                On OTA-6