2022, A new Year, a new Initiative: UBports Teach!

Welcome to this newsletter!

We are a group of four enthusiastic Ubuntu Touch users.

Last year, during the summer of 2021, we have been approached by supporters of the UBports Foundation. They asked if we could help and support people that like to learn to program apps for the Ubuntu Touch platform. Step by step we formed a team of people with different backgrounds and skillsets.

Let us introduce ourselves shortly:

Felix - A trainer in programming, with a passion for introducing people to programming languages
Leandro - A programmer who is highly interested in mastering common IT technologies with a deep understanding
Sander - A teacher and experienced Ubuntu Touch app designer with a multi-year commitment to the Ubuntu Touch project
Terence - A senior software developer who likes to learn together, and has a passion for complex technical projects

Every Thursday evening we get together to enjoy an evening of programming in Ubuntu Touch, using Discord:

In September and October we got together to make a shopping list application, which is an easy step-in application for educational purposes. It gave us an opportunity to get to know each other, and get ourselves familiar with the whole application production chain. Now we are sure that we are familiar with the path from idea to release of an Ubuntu Touch application. And we like to help anybody who needs help to conquer obstacles on his or her way ;-)

In December we started programming a more complex / ambitious application named Stream, a music player with the ability to retrieve music and podcasts from multiple platforms. We have been working for a couple of months now and we learned a lot about QML, JavaScript functionality implementation, PageStacks, delegates, Screen Behavior and XmlListModel, just to name a few.

We like to document in detail the learning experiences we had. We want to bundle the information we gathered in such a way that it can provide a learning path for interested future Ubuntu Touch developers.

Hopefully more developers will join our quest.

Our mission has two points of focus:

  • On the one hand we like to initiate an interactive community of live - (online ;-)) - interacting developers supporting each other in technical challenges while making real usable advanced software.
    On the other hand we like to organize and generate a followable learning path for anybody which is new to programming in general or specific to the Ubuntu Touch environment.

    For now we have two ways of getting in touch with you.

  • 1. Once a month we will organize a public online get-together
    2. Once a month we will publish a newsletter such as this one

    So about point 1: We like to invite you for Thursday April 7 between 19:30 and 22:00 CET (Central European Time) to drop by to our public workshop (via Discord). During this get-together we like to support anybody who is passionate about teaching or learning more about Ubuntu Touch app development.

    We have published our first version of the Stream app in the OpenStore here:

    Find the source for the Stream app here:

    Our first project, the shopping list app, can be downloaded in the OpenStore here:

  • You can study its source code too:

    At the end of every month, we like to send you an update about our experiences and lessons learned, in a newsletter such as this one. Hopefully you liked reading this introduction of our project.

    Hope to see you soon,

  • Kind Regards,

    Thursday E. Team

Your biweekly UBports news during troubled times!